Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Being a consultant for Close to my Heart is extremely rewarding to me. I absolutley LOVE it! Of course I'd love more time during the day to do it; but, unfortunately, I must work full-time. (Don't get me wrong...I love my full-time job, too.) Each Monday the "Team" that I'm a part of conducts conference calls. I listen in on as many of them as I can -- LIVE -- or go back and listen to later (they are recorded). Last night's was on team meetings and coaching new recruits. I, myself, am just building my team and I DESIRE to be as good of a leader as some of my other fellow team members. The call was VERY inspirational, motivational and full of knowledge. I can't wait to start putting this information to use with my own team. They deserve a good leader.

Today is our 19th wedding anniversary! Hard to believe it. Seems like just yesterday we said our I dos! (We've actually been together for almost 24 -- high school sweethearts.) HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, WES!!! :)

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